Pay More Attention to Your Boiler

3 Things People May Not Know About Their Boilers

Boilers are a critical part of many homes’ heating systems. Although they help keep homes cozy, they can break down without the proper attention and maintenance. Knowing more about a household’s boiler is important to ensure indoor temperatures stay safe and comfortable all winter. This blog will share some things homeowners may not know about their boilers

Your Boiler Likely Doesn’t Boil Water

boilContrary to popular belief and what the name indicates, most boilers don’t actually boil water. While this may seem counterintuitive, there is a reason modern boilers no longer boil water and use steam. Boilers that use steam to generate heat are typically more expensive to run. Although they are available, traditional boilers must burn more fuel to heat an entire home. 

On the other hand, gas boilers save money and reduce the risk of combustion. As long as a gas boiler does not show signs of leakage, it can last for approximately 15 years. Modern boilers use what is known as a heat exchanger to heat water. This water inside a pipe can distribute hot air through an entire building. By turning liquid to gas, a heat exchanger allows this process to work quickly regardless of the time of year. 

Boilers Aren’t Bad for the Environment

Boilers are a great eco-friendly heating option because they are a closed system, meaning the same water is recycled repeatedly. This helps conserve water while still providing heat. Moreover, installing an energy-efficient boiler can reduce a household’s carbon footprint and save energy costs. 

Upgrading an inefficient boiler to a new high-efficiency model can cut fuel bills by half. Not only does this help the environment, but it also helps homeowners save money. Investing in a quality boiler and having it professionally installed and maintained is the best way to ensure long-term energy efficiency. Proper maintenance allows a boiler to last many years and provides a reliable heat source. Investing in an energy-efficient boiler is a great way to go green and save money.

A Boiler’s Efficiency is Affected By Low Pressure

billA boiler can lose pressure for many reasons, including a leak in the system, an issue with the expansion vessel, or a problem with the pressure relief valve. Regardless of the cause, having low pressure in a boiler significantly impacts its performance and efficiency.

Low pressure in a boiler can result in lower water temperatures, meaning more energy is required to heat the water. This causes energy bills to rise as the boiler works harder than usual. In addition, if a boiler runs at a lower pressure for extended periods, it can lead to permanent damage and shorten its lifespan.

Furthermore, low pressure also affects how much steam the boiler produces, impacting its efficiency. The lower the steam pressure, the less efficient the boiler will be when producing steam or hot water. This can lead to an inefficient system that cannot meet its demand, which may result in additional costs for repairs and maintenance.

To prevent low-pressure issues, it’s essential to regularly maintain a boiler system and watch for any signs of problems. Regular maintenance from a qualified professional will help ensure that a system is running efficiently and can help prevent costly repairs down the line. Additionally, homeowners should always be aware of the pressure readings in their boiler so that they can quickly detect a pressure loss and take appropriate action.

About Veteran Services

Veteran Services is a veteran-owned and operated plumbing and HVAC business serving Lakeville, MN, and surrounding areas. They offer competitive pricing, financing, and 24/7 services. Call them today for boiler services in Lakeville, MN.

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